Support to navigate the mental health service system

Objective 5.2:

Improve our service delivery

Action 5.2.1 & 5.2.2

Identify options for establishing virtual and/or physical hubs for people seeking mental health support and referral, including options incorporating peer service navigators

Roll out a new electronic triage and referral tool that will support GPs and service providers to connect people to the services that are right for them

The mental health service system is complex – and the need to support people to navigate through it, to find the service that is right for them, is paramount.  Informed by ongoing feedback – from people trying to find services for themselves or their loved ones, as well as GPs and service providers – the PHN established a pool of service navigators in July 2019.  The My Mental Health Service Navigators[1] are freely available to anyone – consumers, carers, GPs, and service providers – and provide phone-based information about mental health services, suicide prevention services and alcohol and other drug treatment services available in the region.  The Service Navigators also offer phone-based assessment and referral into any of the PHN-commissioned services, using the rediCASE electronic triage and referral system.

Key Achievements

With a solid knowledge of the service system in the region, the Service Navigators have improved access to a range of services by connecting people to the most appropriate service sooner.  They ensure services are matched to people’s need.

The team of Service Navigators have supported the effective transition of people from the ceasing Partners in Recovery (PiR), Support for Day to Day Living (D2DL) and Personal Helpers and Mentors (PHaMs) Programs – into ongoing programs and services.  The team have also supported people to understand any changes to the service system, by responding to queries about programs that are changing.

The Service Navigators are not a crisis support service, but will respond to enquiries left after-hours, calling people back to offer connections to appropriate services.

What’s Next?

Early conversations with the HHS regarding connections between the My Mental Health Service Navigators and the 1300 MH CALL[2] Mental Health Access Line have identified potential benefits to people seeking support using either of these services.  1300 MH CALL is the primary connection into all Queensland Public Mental Health Services, and can also provide information and support navigating to other services.  Further exploration regarding how these two navigation services might work together is continuing.



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