Improving referrals to AOD services

Objective 8.1:

Improve collaboration between alcohol and other drug treatment services

Action 8.1.1:

Coordinate planning across Brisbane North to improve referral pathways and facilitate seamless access and transitions across the alcohol and other drug treatment services spectrum of care

AOD Service Finder

The Queensland Network of Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies (QNADA) worked with specialist AOD services across Queensland to map current service availability, program information, and entry requirements. This information was used to create a publicly accessible, user friendly AOD service finder that is relevant to both the general community and health professionals. The service finder currently provides information on 167 AOD service sites across Queensland including 35 sites in the Brisbane North region.

Key achievements

Since its release, AOD services have been viewed 78,563 times on the service finder, with an average length of just over three minutes spent viewing each page. The service finder has contributed to increased knowledge and awareness of AOD treatment options in Brisbane North and across Queensland more broadly.

Key learnings

A shifting and changing service landscape means the service finder requires planned and frequent updates with communication on changes shared with relevant partners.

What’s next?

QNADA will continue to maintain the service finder by conducting twice yearly updates and sharing the information with the statewide AOD information and support service, Adis, to ensure consistency of information across platforms.

Adis-Link Direct Referral Service

Adis[1] – the Alcohol and Drug Information Service – provides 24/7 confidential support for people with alcohol and other drug concerns, their loved ones and health professionals.

After completing a successful 3-month trial to establish Adis-Link – a direct referral pathway into an alcohol and drug counselling service in the Brisbane North region – Adis partnered with QNADA to facilitate expansion of the system to other interested service providers.

Adis-Link enables better referrals and continuity of care for people who contact Adis by strengthening its link to specialist AOD treatment services.

Key achievements

The Adis-Link team recently won the Metro North Staff Excellence Award in the field of Integrated Care[2].

What’s next?

Adis will continue to evaluate and implement Adis-Link with interested AOD services in the Brisbane North region. QNADA will continue support the expansion of Adis-Link by facilitating engagement and consultation with AOD services in the Brisbane North region.

[1] Adis is funded by Queensland Health and proudly delivered by Metro North HHS


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