Objective 5.2:
Improve our service delivery
Action 5.2.1:
Identify options for establishing virtual and/or physical hubs for people seeking mental health support and referral, including options incorporating peer service navigators
Brisbane North PHN led a consumer-centred co-design process to inform the development of a new service model to support people with severe and complex mental illness in the region. The process included the review of over 300 personal accounts from people with severe mental illness, which were used as a guide to shape the new model. Stakeholders, including consumers, carers, NGOs, Metro North HHS, private providers and Queensland Government, participated in two half-day workshops – to design the model, and then test and validate the model with relevant personas.
The result was a proposal to commission three integrated mental health service hubs – offering no-cost, holistic, community-based health and wellbeing services across the region, co-locating a range of clinical and psychosocial services, as well as providing navigation support to the broader range of services that exist in the community.
Key achievements
Three integrated mental health service hubs have been established – with services commencing July 2019. The hubs provide clinical and psychosocial supports, both onsite and via outreach, increasing integration of the range of supports needed for people with severe mental illness. The Hub’s multi-disciplinary team includes clinical staff as well as peer support staff.
Key learnings
Engaging people with a lived experience was a critical first step in the service design process. For the PHN, this involved:
- Using routinely collected service usage data and experience of service data to facilitate understanding of which parts of a service are working well, and which parts need improvement
- Developing a solid understanding of the way people engage with, and flow through the system
- Involving people with a lived experience in all steps of the design process – from designing the service model to address pain points, through to commissioning providers.
What’s next?
Establishment, implementation and ongoing evaluation of the integrated mental health service hubs over the next three years.