Coordinated commissioning approaches in the region

Objective 4.1:

Align commissioning approaches between funding bodies

Action 4.1.4 & 4.1.5

Align funding approaches by key funding agencies, including scope, timing, service types, contract timeframes and reporting

Explore the potential for coordinated commissioning between funding agencies

In late 2018, the PHN, HHS and Qld Health worked collaboratively to ensure their respective planned commissioning for new services was coordinated and complementary.

Key Achievements

Qld Health involved representatives from both PHNs and HHSs to be part of regional tender assessment panels, to review applications and make recommendations to Qld Health about upcoming psychosocial support services in the community.

The PHN engaged representatives from both Qld Health and the HHS in their co-design processes to inform their procurement of services for people with severe and complex mental illness.  Following the co-design phase, representatives from the HHS, as well as people with lived experience, were actively engaged to be part of the tender assessment panels to select the successful tenderers for the establishment of the three Integrated Mental Health Service Hubs for the region.

Key Learnings

Whilst circumstances did not allow for joint commissioning to occur, the shift to more coordinated commissioning, where local funders such as Qld Health and the PHN are more aware and involved in what the other funder is planning, is a positive step to ensuring optimal use of the resources that are available in the region.

What’s Next?

Qld Health and the PHN are committed to reviewing their respective commissioning approaches, gaining feedback from those involved to ensure that future commissioning approaches continue to improve.

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